I’m Jenn, your host. This retreat was inspired by a conversation I had with a lovely young lady who had recently begun her healing journey. She shared her struggles and doubts about whether she was getting it “right” and whether she should or could continue. I felt so moved by her words and naturally shared snippets of the knowledge I acquired as I too had been there. I wanted to let her know that everything she was feeling and experiencing was valid, and expected and to give herself grace as she continues on her path.
When our call ended [this was on Zoom], I knew I had to create an experience to help women on a similar path. It’s scary to navigate it alone and often that’s exactly how we end up, alone. Not everyone in your life will understand your need to do this work, and may not be able to support you in the way you may need, and that’s okay - they don’t have to. Sure, it would be nice, but it doesn't always work that way.
I looked around and in my opinion, there aren’t enough spaces for women who look like me to have these types of experiences, and that’s why I decided to create my own. I wanted to create a brave space for black women to come together with like-minded souls to share, uplift each other, and ultimately begin their healing journey. And so I welcome you to Reveal, Unlock Your Power Within - A Healing Wellness Retreat for Women of Colour.
Jenn xxo
Hello Gorgeous, Welcome!
“Be strong, be fearless, be beautiful.”
~ Misty Copeland
Practice + Workshops
Energise + Ground
Enjoy daily yoga practices and experience a deep connection to your breath, body, and soul.
Learn to quieten your mind
with meditation practices to allow you the space to tap into your inner wisdom.
Engage in self-reflection workshops and journalling sessions to unlock your hidden truths and map a way toward becoming your
authentic self.
Goddess Share Circles
Embrace Vulnerability
Being able to allow yourself the space to be open with your feelings is an important aspect
of healing. Sharing your experiences with others gives them the power to rise up and face their own emotions.
Witness the transformational power of sharing with others during our Goddess Share Circle. It’s truly a moving experience and I’m with you every step of the way.
Community + Sisterhood
Create + Connect
Healing is a journey, a lifelong commitment to your overall well being. Having and maintaining
a loving, supportive network
of friends who are on the same path is key.
Sharing meals, exchanging stories and holding space for each other is a vital component. My hope is you leave feeling as though you not only have made true friends, but have gained sisters for life.