Group Virtual & In-Person Yoga Classes

There’s something magical when practicing together as a group. There’s an energy, a vibe that can be felt throughout the space. It doesn’t matter who we are, what we look like, or even why we’re there; all of our perceived differences disappear the second we cross that threshold.
All that matters in that first moment when we close our eyes to take that first breath, is that we are sharing an experience as One. We have all consciously chosen to embrace our true selves, saying a resounding YES to this shared journey toward self-discovery and acceptance.

Love notes from the mat…

“Jen! It’s so apparent that you love what you do and truly care about your students!  That makes a great teacher. You’re enthusiastic, authentic, sensitive and funny!!  We all enjoy your classes. With me it’s all the little things that you’ve corrected - a tweak here- positioning there- that has helped me improve my form. I think students need that one-on-one that you bring to the table despite the size of the class!! Thank you!”

— Jan R.

“I’ve done yoga for years and you are one of the best teachers I’ve had. You bring a real inclusive atmosphere and at times when I have felt  inadequate you made me feel adequate... like any position is possible just give it a go, to see what unfolds. And then you bring this light hearted fun element that makes us feel comfortable and included. You are so right when you say... Be free, be true, be you.”

— Claire R.

Get in touch!

Namaste Beautiful Beings!
If you have questions about getting started on your wellness journey, please feel free to drop me a note.
I promise I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks again for stopping by and have a lovely day!