Embrace a new Confident You!

I help women over 40 overcome low self-esteem and confidence. If you’re ready to make big changes in your life & feel more confident, I can help.
Book a FREE discovery call with me,
your Confidence Coach Jenn.

Hello Gorgeous!

I’m Jenn! If you’ve found yourself here, maybe you’re struggling with low self-confidence, feelings of failure, and overwhelm. Or perhaps you’re feeling frustrated, lost, and disconnected from yourself, in fact, you probably don’t even recognise yourself anymore. But guess what, I’ve been there. I know exactly how you’re feeling and I can help you. If you’re ready to make big changes in your life, then I’m ready to be your coach. So let’s dive right in!

Meet Your Coach, Jenn

As a little girl growing up in the Caribbean, I’d often hear, “self-praise is no praise,” which meant I shouldn’t praise myself when I do well, but I should wait for an elder to commend me. I was also negatively compared to my peers and questioned as to why I wasn’t as smart as they were. Needless to say, replaying these words in my mind and believing them laid the foundation for me to become a young woman with low self-esteem, worth, and confidence. I sought validation from everyone except myself. I’d been coasting, going through the motions of life, accepting the status quo even though deep down inside, I knew I was capable of and deserving of so much more than what I had been experiencing.

It wasn’t until my first Yoga Teacher Training in Toronto many years ago, that I had my “ah-ha!” moment. We were discussing language; how to speak to students and ourselves. It made me realize that the internal dialogue I had had with myself for so long was, let’s just say, not good, at all. I knew the only way to regain my self-esteem, worth, and confidence was to change the relationship I had with me. My lived experience has inspired me to help others reclaim their power, and as your coach and friend, I’ll empower you with the confidence you need to be the incredible woman you’re meant to be.

Get in touch!

Namaste Beautiful Beings!
If you have questions about getting started on your wellness journey, please feel free to drop me a note.
I promise I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks again for stopping by and have a lovely day!