I’ve Got YOU!

Hi Gorgeous,

I’m so glad you’re here. And you know why? Because I’ve been exactly where you are right now. I’ve struggled with low self-esteem and confidence and I sought validation in everyone else but myself. I’d often procrastinate, self-sabotage, and negatively compare myself to others. I was even in an abusive relationship in my twenties.  I let “fear” control so much of my life for way too long. So believe me when I say, I’ve got you! Because I do.

I’ve successfully helped women over 40 at different stages of their lives, find their way to being the confident women they always were, and I can do the same for you.

As your Confidence coach and friend, my goal is to provide you with practical steps to face and overcome whatever’s holding you back from being your incredible self.

I use various coaching tools, and I’m deeply guided by my intuition and personal experiences. I’ll meet you where you are and together we’ll find the best way to help you be successful. So if you’re ready to make big changes in your life, click the button below, and let’s dive right in!

How I will help

  • Awareness

    I will help you become aware of what areas in your life you’re feeling less confident. Once we have identified these areas, the next step is to determine the source. I will provide you with practical tools and techniques to carefully navigate this part of your journey and I’m with you every step of the way!

  • Smiling and holding an appointment book


    On a weekly basis, I will provide you with actionable steps to take. Each step will help you learn how to manage the challenges you’ve identified. Some steps are quick and can be implemented right away, while others may require more time as significant changes in your mindset may be necessary.

  • Holding coffee mug and smiling


    As your coach and friend, I will be your accountability partner. After each session we will review your progress with the action steps previously given. Together we will establish what worked well for you and what didn’t. Based on that, we will determine alternative tools to further assist you in your progress.

Getting Started is easy
as 1…2…3!

  1. Choose a day and time to schedule your FREE 30 minute Zoom call. Once you've made your appointment, an email will be sent to you along with a Zoom link.

  2. During your call, we’ll discuss what challenges you're currently facing in your life and how coaching can help.

  3. Based on our chat, we'll both decide if we're a good match! If so, guess what? It's time to choose your package and book your sessions with me!

It’s not cookie cutter coaching!

None of us are alike, and neither will your coaching sessions be. Your sessions will be as unique as you are! Together we will work as a team to determine which coaching tools and practices work best for you. After all, my goal, as your coach and friend, is to help you be successful and restore your confidence in you!

How You Will Benefit

  • Bespoke Coaching

    • One to One sessions with a dedicated coach

    • Personalised practices and techniques that resonate with your personality

    • Practices and techniques that are aligned to your goals and aspirations

    • Weekly guidance and mentorship

  • Connection

    • Identify limiting beliefs & overcome them

    • Develop new habits & patterns aligned with your values

    • Determine what boundaries to set & uphold them

    • Learn to overcome self-sabotage & social comparison

    • Change your mindset to adopt more self-empowering behavioural patterns

  • Evolution

    • Capable of creating your own roadmap to achieve goals

    • Able to easily overcome self-doubt & criticism

    • Skilled in managing fear when it shows up in your professional & personal life

    • Ready to confidently take action & live your life to the fullest

What clients are saying…

  • Working with Jenn has been nothing short of transformative. I found myself in a situation that left me feeling completely unravelled, filled with fear and self-doubt, unsure of how to move forward. That’s when Jenn stepped in and changed everything. Her approach is the perfect balance of firm yet friendly—she pushes you, but always with empathy and understanding. From our first conversation, I could tell she was fully invested in helping me overcome the barriers I had built around myself. She didn’t let me hide from the hard truths, but instead helped me face them with courage and clarity. What stands out most is how Jenn empowered me to find my own strength. She didn’t just tell me what to do or how to think—she guided me to see the answers within myself. Because of her support, I was able to face the challenge head-on and come out on the other side, stronger and more confident than ever. If you are feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or unsure of yourself, I cannot recommend Jenn highly enough. She has an incredible gift for helping people break through their fears and doubts, and I am so grateful for the growth and transformation I’ve experienced under her guidance.


  • To say that working with Jenn exceeded my expectations would be an understatement. I was able to accelerate things that I had on the back burner for ages. Jenn's holistic accountability was exactly what I needed. Her insight and instincts were invaluable. I was expecting a rigid and formal process and was pleasantly surprised to find an understanding and empathetic guide to lead me in the direction of my own personal exploration that was needed to move not only my project productivity forward but my personal development as well.


  • I’d just turned the big 40 and I was officially having a midlife crisis. I wasn’t where I thought I’d be in life by now and to top it off, I was jobless. My confidence had hit an all-time low but Jenn really helped me get back my spark again. She helped me identify and challenge the negative narrative I had of myself and reminded me of the milestones I had reached. She also gave me simple actionable tasks to help me feel good again like affirmations, breathing techniques and getting back into my passion, running. She saw my best self when I couldn’t and helped me to see it too! Her guidance has helped me get back on track and feeling hopeful again.


  • Jennifer's approach to coaching has been helping me move to the next step. She has been consistently touching base/checking in to see what you have accomplished no matter how small you think the step is. She is always encouraging and will tell you like it is, with love, for you to take action. My confidence is increasing to have the courage to do what I must.


  • I have known Jennifer for 2 years. In our sessions, she has given me great advice as it pertains to my relationships. Jennifer makes me feel seen, heard and understood. She has helped me change the way I viewed myself with her uplifting and encouraging words. I’m grateful to have met her and have her as my coach.


Which option is right for me?

  • This is for you if you’re in need of a quick pep talk to get you back on track!

    One [1] 90 minute Zoom Call
    • Bespoke 1:1 Coaching
    • Bespoke Action Plan

    Investment in You: BBD$250

  • This package is for you if you’re currently facing a specific challenge in your life and are in need of guidance on how to navigate this road successfully.

    • Three [3] sessions spread over 6 weeks
    • Bespoke 1:1 Coaching
    • Bespoke Action Plan
    • Email or WhatsApp Support between sessions

    Investment in You: BBD$450

  • This package is for you if you’re feeling unhappy with how your life is going right now and you're ready to shake things up! It could be a career change, develop better time management skills or healthy eating habits.

    • Six [6] sessions spread over 3 months
    • Bespoke 1:1 Coaching
    • Bespoke Action Plan
    • Unlimited email or WhatsApp Support
    • Recording of Sessions at your request for easy reference

    Investment in You: BBD$900

  • This package is for you if you’re feeling unfulfilled in every area of your life: career, health, relationship with yourself, finances and your self-confidence is at an all time low. You're completely fed up and ready to make a big lifestyle change but don't know how or where to begin.

    • Twelve [12] sessions spread over a 6 month period
    • Bespoke 1:1 Coaching
    • Bespoke Action Plan
    • Unlimited email or WhatsApp Support
    • Recording of Sessions at your for easy reference

    Investment in You: BBD$1800

Meet Your Coach, Jenn

As a little girl growing up in the Caribbean, I’d often hear, “self-praise is no praise,” which meant I shouldn’t praise myself when I do well, but I should wait for an elder to commend me. I was also negatively compared to my peers and questioned as to why I wasn’t as smart as they were. Needless to say, replaying these words in my mind and believing them laid the foundation for me to become a young woman with low self-esteem, worth, and confidence. I sought validation from everyone except myself. I’d been coasting, going through the motions of life, accepting the status quo even though deep down inside, I knew I was capable of and deserving of so much more than what I had been experiencing.

It wasn’t until my first Yoga Teacher Training in Toronto many years ago, that I had my “ah-ha!” moment. We were discussing language; how to speak to students and ourselves. It made me realize that the internal dialogue I had had with myself for so long was, let’s just say, not good, at all. I knew the only way to regain my self-esteem, worth, and confidence was to change the relationship I had with me. My lived experience has inspired me to help others reclaim their power, and as your coach and friend, I’ll empower you with the confidence you need to be the incredible woman you’re meant to be.