
Group Classes

  • Single Class - BBD$25
    5 classes - BBD$100
    8 classes - BBD$150
    12 classes - BBD$200

    All online classes are offered via Zoom.

  • Single Class - BBD$35
    6 classes - BBD$180

    All classes are offered in 6 week cycles except for Pilates Strength at Sugar Hill, Rasa Vinyasa at Coral Reef Spa and Hot.

  • Stretch It Out - BBD$20
    Pilates Strength at Sugar Hill - BBD$35
    Rasa Vinyasa at Coral Reef Spa - BBD$45
    HOT - BBD$25

    *Class packages are not applicable for these classes

Private Sessions

  • 30 Minutes - BBD$75
    45 Minutes - BBD$125
    60 Minutes - BBD$150

    All online private sessions are offered via Zoom.

  • 30 Minute BBD$75
    45 Minute BBD$125
    60 Minute BBD$150

    Private Sessions at your home or villa start from BBD$200 plus a travel fee.

  • Not sure whether Yoga or Pilates is right for you? Book a consultation and we'll discuss what your needs are and which one may be best suited for you. This consultation may also include going through various exercises to assess movement patterns, range of motion to determine the best way to support you.

    45 - 60 minutes BBD$100


Payments for online classes can be made via Direct Bank Transfer or FirstPay and must be paid before you attend your class. Please note class packages are non-transferable, nor can be shared between individuals. All Class Packages are  ONLY redeemable at JenZen Wellness.

*Regional & International Students are welcome to book online classes and private sessions. These payments are accepted via PayPal
and a 10% fee will be added to allow for processing of your payment. All prices listed above are in Barbados dollars and do not include the 10% fee.

For banking details or queries on classes or packages, please email at

Love notes from the mat…

“I’ve been practicing with Jennifer for several years and she’s always been a great teacher. She’s knowledgeable, relatable and keeps her classes fun. Since Covid, most of our classes have been online, and just like in-person, she’s attentive, and gives cues to ensure the poses are accessible to everyone. It’s evident she cares about her students as it can be seen in the way she conducts her classes. I’ve always enjoyed her classes and am genuinely upset when I cannot attend.”

— Tamasa B.

“I resumed yoga after a life-changing cancer experience. Jennifer's classes were the perfect blend of gentle acceptance of who we were and steady movement to what we could achieve. We learned to balance our expectations and fears with our reality in an emotionally supportive environment which encouraged us to never give up while being gentle with ourselves if things didn't go quite as we wanted. Thank you Jennifer for your guidance, patience and care. "

— Kaye H.

“I wanted to say I’ve done yoga for years and you are one of the best teachers I’ve had. You bring a real inclusive atmosphere and at times when I have felt  inadequate you made me feel adequate... like any position is possible, to at least try, give it a go and see what unfolds. And then you bring this light-hearted fun element that makes us feel comfortable and included. I do try and keep that positivity. You are so right when you say, be free, be true, be you!”

— Claire R.

Get in touch!

Namaste Beautiful Beings!
If you have questions about getting started on your wellness journey, please feel free to drop me a note.
I promise I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks again for stopping by and have a lovely day!